Not Your Average Operator, Ep: 013 – Books with positive take-aways?

Not Your Average Operator, Ep: 013 - Books with positive take-aways?

Which books have given you the most lasting positive take-aways?

The only thing you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.

  • Albert Einstein


To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.

  • Victor Hugo


Success leaves clues.

  • Tony Robbins


We have access to the greatest thinkers in history. We can consult with them at any time- it has never been easier than in this modern era. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own, there is nearly always someone who has gone down the path you are currently on and has written down some gold and left signposts on a pathway to success.


Join Raf, Mike and Melon as they break out the books that have had the most lasting impact on them over time. The boys have all done quite a bit of reading: both during this time of COVID, and also while on deployments in far-away countries.


Mike’s book is “Quiet Strength” by NFL Hall of Fame player and Coach Tony Dungy.

  • Transitioning from sponge to teacher.
  • Buy in from the team to the mission is essential
  • Know it will all end. Will you finish Distraught, Content or Satisfied?


Melon’s books were by self-development thought leader and educator Steven R. Covey- “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and “The 8thHabit”.

  • Character Ethic provides timeless true north principles.
  • Dependence through Independence to the highest- Interdependence.
  • Finding your “voice”: the overlap between your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs, and inspiring others to do the same.


Raf’s book is “Tools of Titans” by investor, podcaster and researcher Tim Ferriss.

  • Healthy, Wealthy and Wise structure.
  • Each chapter is a 3-7 page summary of his best podcast interviews.
  • Raf found repeated references to journaling, gratitude, and the need to repeatedly practice what you want to excel at.


Let us know what your most impactful or favourite book is, we would love to hear from you.


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