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On Being a Man By Robert Patrick Lewis    The last place I tend to look for examples of what it means to be a man is in movies (or any of today’s pop culture for that matter). I’m not sure if it’s just me, but when I look around at society I see a […]

 The Pact   Check out the hottest book out on the market right now, “The Pact”. This is the second book by former Green Beret-turned author Robert Patrick Lewis.  Go get this book right now, here at http://www.thePactBook.com   Robert also Co-host a show called “Center Mass”, and Hosts a podcast called “The Green Beret […]

Net Neutrality: what’s the big deal? Robert Patrick Lewis|The Green Beret MBA  As I’m such a vocal critic of any egregious governmental overreach, I’ve been asked this quite a few times over the past few days and would like to use this opportunity to explain what the net neutrality deal is in a nutshell, and […]

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